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Reasons People Choose to Scatter Their Ashes at the Sea

Updated: Sep 19, 2022

Everyone has the option to choose where their final resting place may be. The place often is chosen due to a special memory or connection of the deceased. One resting place people who want to be cremated is the ocean, but what exactly is it with one’s ashes being scattered in the ocean that so many people are now choosing?

This article discusses the benefits of choosing the ocean as a resting place. However, while the reasons listed below may be common, each individual may also have personal preferences.

Why Is the Final Resting Place Important?

When a loved one dies, their final resting place is an important part of the grieving process. It is a place where family and friends can go to remember the person they loved and to celebrate their life. For many people, visiting the final resting place of a loved one is an important part of the grieving process. It can be a place of solace and comfort, where you can reflect on happy memories and find peace.

Some people find that they can connect with their loved ones in a special way when they visit their final resting place. For others, it is a place to share their grief with others who have also lost someone. Whatever your reasons for visiting a final resting place, it is important to remember that it is a place of respect and love. It is a place to honor the life of a person who was important to you and to celebrate their memory.

Memorable and Honorable

Scattering one’s ashes in the ocean is a more modern tradition. It is reminiscent of sea burials, which used to be done by the US Navy to honor veterans. However, today, instead of having full-on sea burials that require a lot of processing, you can request that your ashes be scattered in the ocean with the right establishments.

A ceremony like this is a beautiful way to honor someone. The closest loved ones of the deceased head out somewhere peaceful and serene, as they spend the last moments of any physical manifestation of the departed. They can then release the ashes in a biodegradable urn as they celebrate the life of the deceased.

This is surely a memorable funeral that everyone who attends will remember. As everyone gathers, the precious moments with the loved one can be recalled. All of this, along with a gorgeous ocean view and the serenity of the water, will make for a great memory.

More Affordable

We cannot deny how expensive a traditional burial is. From the ceremony costs to the casket and even the whole program planning, it is a lot of work and can cost a lot. When grieving a loss, it may be difficult for the closest people to the loved ones to think or consider planning a funeral. This could make everything much more difficult, and an additional financial burden could just be another thing they might have to think about.

However, having the ashes scattered in the ocean will not cost as much. This is an excellent thing for the family and friends of the deceased as it is one less thing to worry about. At the same time, being affordable will not mean the loved ones have cheaped out. While inexpensive, ash scattering at the ocean feels luxurious and is an elegant experience for everyone.

Less Hassle

A traditional funeral will require much planning on the family's end. They will be forced to decide on many details that may seem trivial and insignificant to them, considering their loss. They will also have to worry about finding a plot or space for them to bury their loved ones.

All this hassle is eliminated by scattering the ashes in the ocean, and the family gets to say goodbye peacefully. They can spend their days grieving and mourning instead of deciding what flowers to display or picking out a plot for their loved ones. When all this trouble is removed, the family and friends of the loved ones are allowed a more peaceful goodbye wherein they can concentrate on their final moments with the deceased.


Not many people know that when a body is buried in the Earth, it could release various chemicals as it decomposes. These chemicals harm the environment, specifically the soil in which they are buried. This could hurt any surrounding plants or living matters

However, scattering ashes will not cause any sort of damage to the environment. The ashes do not have any chemicals that come along with them, and at the same time, they can decompose back into the soil and provide much-needed nutrients.

Choosing the Ocean as a Final Resting Place

There are many reasons why people choose to have their ashes scattered at sea. For some, it is a way to return to the elements, to the place where life began. For others, it is a way to be at peace with the ocean's vastness, to feel small in the face of its power and beauty.

The ocean is a place of great personal significance for many of us. It may be where we grew up, vacationed as children, or spent happy times with family and friends. Scattering ashes at sea can be a way of honoring that connection, of saying goodbye to a loved one in a place that holds special meaning.

There are also practical considerations. Scattering ashes at sea is often less expensive than a traditional funeral and can be less complicated logistically. If you plan to scatter ashes, you can do so with just a few simple supplies.

Of course, some things should be kept in mind before scattering ashes at sea. First, check with the local authorities to see if any specific regulations are in place. You will also want to consider the weather and water conditions on the day you plan to scatter and the tides. If you take the time to plan and consider all of these factors, scattering ashes at sea can be a beautiful and meaningful way to say goodbye to a loved one.


An ash scattering ceremony at sea is special and unique; having the ocean as your final resting place is a wonderful decision. If you are considering the ocean as your final burial place, we hope that this article has made you more determined in your decision.

If you are looking to scatter ashes at the sea for your loved one, you can contact us at Ashes 2 Oceans. We are an ashes scattering service in California, specializing in scattering ashes in the ocean. Give your loved one that unique burial they deserve with us at Ashes 2 Oceans.


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